To take the confusion out of marketing, get the most results and make it feel easy and not at all “pushy” let's break it down into 3 phases. I actually plan all my content ROUND MY CTAs (calls to action) A CTA is just an instruction at the end of your marketing material (be it an ad, a video, a post, a business card or a poster) the tells your audience what to do next.
Attracting leads - This is where you’re giving people a hand shake, you’re letting them know who you are, what you do and why they should remember you, follow you and pay attention to you. You’re not ready to sell here. This is the first date, so don't ask them to marry you! These CTA’s sound like “If you need help with X make sure you’re following the page” ”Follow me for more advice on X” ”if you found this helpful make sure you follow me for more!”
Nurturing your leads - You got their attention and now they’re following you or they’re learning more about you. Now you need to build their trust, show off your personality, build a relationship with them and position yourself as a trusted expert/authority.
These CTAs sound like: Watch my free webinar on the biggest mistakes people make when managing laminitis/getting your confidence back/rehabbing kissing spines
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Sell your heart out!
Sales content is where you position your offer as the solution to their problems. that’s it. You’re not asking people for money and forcing them out of their hard earned cash. You’re simply saying “I can help you with that thing you’ve been struggling with”
Sales content sounds like
”Secure your space now! My diary is filling up fast!”
”I only have 2 spots available this week! Book now!”
”Are you ready to speed up your horses recovery/ Get your confidence back / Have a stress free calm horse? BOOK NOW!”